JAFTA connects professional foresters from all over the country

More than 80 years ago, Japan had initiated the movement for the enhancement of position of foresters and promotion of forest technology. The association was actually born as "Forestry Promotion Association" which aimed at promoting the said movement. The historical mission and the original ideas do not change even today and are actively supported by members of JAFTA.

The association has approximately 10,000 members in Japan. It has 92 chapters in Forestry Agency, prefectural governments, universities, research institutions and other organizations. Moreover, a number of persons employed in forestry sector, and citizens with interest in forest and forestry are members of the association.
JAFTA publishes the monthly magazine "Ringyo Gijyutsu", which translates as "Forestry Technology" in English and distributes the magazine to its members.

JAFTA keeps a close watch on forest of Japan and the world

Forest has many functions such as timber production, water and soil conservation, recreation, and in addition to these functions, it plays an important role in conservation of biodiversity and absorption of carbon dioxide. Today, it is becoming more important to clarify the various functions of forest and to develop technologies and acquire knowledge with regard to appropriate utilization of forest.

JAFTA has been carrying out surveys and studies in the field of forestry in Japan as well as in different parts of the world since 1974. By using the experiences gained from the surveys and studies, we have developed new forest technologies and new survey and analysis methods. Also we are making constant efforts to collect new information, focusing positively on forest and are active in various fields of forestry.

(OJT for plot set-up)
(OJT for soil profile survey)
(Forest Monitoring)

JAFTA and forest in the 21st century

It is said that interest in environmental issues may increase more than ever in the 21st century.
A balanced approach with regard to the conservation of forest and its utilization is becoming increasingly important. Recently such concepts as "sustainable forest management" and "conservation of biodiversity" become common all over the world.

JAFTA as a technical organization will continue to explore the relationships between human activity, nature and forest based on our experiences, knowledge, technologies and information, which have been accumulated through our activities in the field of forestry.

(Seminar for technology transfer)
(Group meeting for planning
participatory forest management)
(Forest Recreation Zone)

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Japan Forest Technology Association (JAFTA)